Ответ на запрос или требование обычно пишутся по такому плану.
План письма.
- Ссылка на письмо с запросом.
Thank you for your inquiry of May 22, 2000 regarding our new course of Business English.
I an writing in reply to your letter of May 22 in which you asked if we would:.
- Укажите Ваши действия, которые были предприняты по просьбе автора письма.
We have pleasure in enclosing our current price list quoting CIF
(cost, insurance, fracht) Moscow:
We are pleased to enclosed our current catalogue.
In answer to your queries regarding accommodation, we can certainly book a room for you in a local medium-priced hotel.
I regret to say that we no longer produce the model you refer to, since we find there is insufficient demand for it. I am very sorry we cannot be of help to you.
Attached you will find our catalogues with current price lost for retailers.
- Обратите внимание адресата на особо важную для него информацию.
May we draw your attention to pp.14-17 in our cataloque where we think you might find material suitable to your field.
As regards educational software, we would be able to supply all of the items that you mentioned.
We would like to point out that fees include lunch and snacks in our canteen.
All other expenses, however, would have to be covers by the participants.
For most items, the following discounts would apply:
more than 100 of one single item: 5%
200- 300 of one single item: 9%
We would certainly be happy to supply you with any products you require.
All our products can be delivered at the shortest possible time.
- Укажите дополнительную возможность, которая поможет адресату сделать выбор в пользу предлагаемого вами продукта, услуги и пр.
We would like to suggest that you come and see us to discuss in detail on your next visit to Moscow.
I would of course be happy to pay you a visit to discuss further details.
We suggest you to contact Mr Egorov and Mrs Petrova, who both completed the program three and four years respectively, and would be able to give you a clear picture of what is required.
- Сообщите о Вашей готовности дать дополнительную информацию по продукту.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange for a suitable time and date for a demonstration.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
We would be happy to supply you with any further information you require.
- Заключительная фраза. Может быть продолжением предыдущего абзаца.
If there is any further information you require, please get in touch with us.
I am sorry to disappoint you in this matter, and hope that we may be of more help in the future.
- Ваша подпись, имя, должность.