Для таких писем тоже существуют стандартный план.
План письма:
- Выразите благодарность за заказ продукта.
We thank you for your order 123- ASD, for 50 Off Road bicycles, which we received today.
Thank you for your order of 21st May for 50 Off Road bicycles:.
I am writing you concerning your order, No 123- ASD, which you placed four weeks ago.
We thank you for your order, which we acknowledge as follows:
- Подтвердите возможность поставки, размеры скидки, другие важные условия сделки, особенно если по ним были разногласия.
We are glad to confirm that we can supply the above order.
We can confirm that we are able to supply the above order from stock.
We do confirm a 15% trade discount:
- Укажите, что отгрузка товара будет произведена, как только банк даст подтверждение об оплате заказа. Сообщите об отгрузке товаров, если она уже произведена. Обратите внимание заказчика на важные подробности, которые могут быть полезными.
The goods will be dispatched on receipt of:.
We will send items immediately as soon as we have received:
We are pleased to inform you that the goods have today been dispatched by air.
We assure that your instructions will be carefully observed.
We are pleased to advice you that:
The units themselves have been assembled and simply now need completing.
We would like to advice you that your order has been shipped on the SS Baltika and should reach you within next ten days.
Could we ask you to please confirm the safe arrival of the goods.
- Стандартное окончание письма с надеждой на совместный бизнес в будущем.
We look forward to hearing that your order has arrived safely and to doing business with you in future.
We trust that this first order will lead to further business.
- Подпись, имя, должность.